When medieval music meets orchestra and pipe organ, goosebumps are a given: At the premiere of
Metroid: Organ Transplants, some attendees asked whether I could record
the soundtrack of "The Witcher III" as well.
Asked and done! Thanks to my buddy Chris, I own a live recording of the concert that was performed
at the Video Game Show of the 2016 film music festival at Cracow, Poland, which served as my basis
for playing along. So, without further ado, I started a live stream,
in which I recorded the additional pipe organ track in his presence.
This disc is the "post-polished result" of the live event, which — without prior listening
to the actual concert — was once again a real challenge for me in terms of live improvisation
and showcased the immense versatility of a pipe organ.
14I Name Thee Dea and Embrace Thee as My DaughterWMC, MPR1:18
15King Bran's Final VoyageWMC, MPR2:13
16Welcome, ImlerithWMC, MPR2:45
17The Hunt Is ComingWMC, MPR2:05
18Kaer MorhenWMC, MPR2:31
19Aen SeidheWMC, MPR3:14
20Silver For MonstersWMC, MPR2:11
21Geralt of Rivia (Reprise)WMC, MPR2:22
22Hearts of StoneWMC, MPR2:56
23Mystery ManWMC, MPR2:39
24The Temple of LilvaniWMC, MPR2:18
25A Gifted Man Brings Gifts GaloreWMC, MPR4:07
26Blood and WineWMC, MPR2:58
27The Banks of the SansretourWMC, MPR3:56
28Fanfares and FlowersWMC, MPR3:13
29Lady of the LakeWMC, MPR1:12
30The Slopes of the BlessureWMC, MPR2:17
31Beyond Hill and Dale...WMC, MPR3:04
32The Moon Over Mount GorgonWMC, MPR2:05
33Tesham MutnaWMC, MPR2:04
34Lullaby of WoeWMC, MPR2:32
Metroid: Organ Transplants (DVD)
My third orchestra+organ play-along album contains nine OC remixes by various artists,
all of them in a similar style, as if the original composers would have had a silent
agreement that, one day, these pieces were intended to be put together.
The glue between all of the tracks is suggested by the album title — they're all
enhanced and backed by a three-manuals French-Romantic Cavaillé-Coll pipe organ,
which I added on top by playing along in two live sessions (yes, I love plays on words,
hence the album title). This adds even more drama, gravity and a bunch of particular highlights.
Since the additional pipe organ track was recorded in 7.1 surround, the original OC remixes,
which served as the re-remixing basis, were also upgraded to 7.1 to fit the setup.
The recording and mixing process, credits research, video material research, storybook
and composition, album art, media production, etc. took about three months of spare-time work
— definitely my most ambitious project so far and an interesting first contact
with DAWs in general and Ardour 6 in particular.
All of those who are familiar with the series can be looking forward to a colorful potpourri:
The album starts off with a number of short pieces for portative organ, a small and portable organ which is equipped with only a few pipes.
Thus, the pieces are kept short and simple, but are still finished with a "regal" piece played on the "big brother".
The second block consists of four pieces, which had been improvised and submitted for a charity concert that was organised by a few U.S. organists
back in 2020 to benefit the NAACP, the U.S. "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People". "Go Down Moses",
which belongs to the genre of "Afro-American Spirituals", was eventually chosen by the organisational committee for the virtual concert with multiple international contributors.
Three nature-related improvisations mark the final block, of which the first one ("Tornado & Aftermath") was created upon a personal request from an organist friend of mine
in search for an "organ storm for Pentecost". Encouraged by his positive response, two similar pieces then followed later, which should be considered to be modern sound paintings.
The individual blocks are separated by single pieces, which are both affected by Western culture and try to abduct the listener into the realms of Arabian Nights
— this way, every style from medieval to modern and from Orient to Occident is again being part of the show.
A post-processed extension of the concert with the same title, which was performed live on October 8th 2016
by the Western German Broadcast Studio Orchestra ("WDR-Funkhausorchester") together with master pianist Benyamin Nuss at the Philharmony of Cologne, Germany.
After my discovery of this concert a few weeks ago, this symphonic video game music performance — just like the "Breath of the Pipes"
album from least year — was treated to an additional pipe organ track, which again provides some additional gravity to the original experience.
The DVD version of the concert listed above, which contains the full video recording from the WDR broadcast agency, extended with some additional scenes recorded during the play-along session at my home Hauptwerk setup.
This DVD, too, is equipped with two separate audio tracks featuring 5.1 surround as well as stereo sound and contains chapter cue points for easier navigation between the individual tracks.
Just in time before Christmas, a Metz-o-Mix release also arrives for the current year.
All of those who're familiar with the previous volumes most probably suspect that, again, everything is possible and permitted in a musical sense.
And yet, the assortment is almost as adventurous as the crazy year 2020 itself:
Beside some organ music classics, which are paired with highlights of movie and video game music, a few titles requested by my fan base have their grand entrance.
In this case, we're speaking of traditional Japanese folk music, which was joined by additional pieces with an Asian touch in an improvisational temper.
Last but not least, even the U.S. presidential election, which in the end might have bestowed a sigh of relief on many people worldwide, got its attention in the music.
Let's hope that a bit more of normality will be restored in the upcoming year — at least the next Metz-o-Mix is going to be released for sure!
Finally, I managed to get the technical stuff up and running to return to my old habit of playing along with video game soundtracks, which was not possible for some years because of hard- and software limitations.
Now that this feature is working again, I thought that more than 500 YouTube subscribers would be a nice occasion to put it to a good use.
What you can experience in this compilation is an extra "organ track", which I played and recorded in parallel while the "Legend of Zelda — Breath of the Wild" OST was playing and which was dubbed onto the OST later in a post-processing stage.
This felt exactly like being part of the OST orchestra, where I would have the duty of directly contributing to the game music.
Nonetheless, this had a bit of "adding even more gravity" to a score that was already perfect — and to make things even more difficult, I played along solely by ear, i.e. without any sheets.
The tricky part for me, albeit I had listened to the OST many times before, was to instantaneously react to chord changes and a melody which I roughly had memorized, but not exactly note by note.
Adapting the organ registration (i.e. selecting appropriate stops) to find a volume/dynamics level that was compatible
with the orchestral part was another challenge that came on top of "just playing matching notes and/or an additional voice".
While the intention was to make the organ present of course, it was always thought as an enrichment and strong foundation backbone,
which should never speak over the orchestra too aggressively to achieve the impression that the organ would feel "natural",
as if it would always have had its place and role in the original score right from the beginning.
As the video already premiered on June 6th 2020, this DVD was thought as a little treat for those who couldn't make it in time
and/or simply would appreciate the full surround-sound version (which YouTube cannot provide since it still supports stereo sound only).
The DVD is equipped with chapter cue points for faster navigation and features both the 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo tracks.
In remembrance of my passed-away grandmother, who would have celebrated her 100th birthday on the date of this release.
An excursion through the always changing land of Hyrule, which tackles quite a number of the "Legend of Zelda" franchise episodes —
this is the opportunity to literally shine for multiple organs of different traditions and styles of organ building.
Here they can prove their great versatility to support the symphonic character of some most iconic pieces
from the Zelda universe that are very well known to almost any fan.
As usual, the fourth edition of the "Metz-o-Mix" series provides a colorful mixture of replayed and improvised pieces, too — recorded on the probably most symphonic pipe organ,
which one may let speak in a living room. And since three organs of this caliber are better than one, the Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll from Notre Dame de Metz this time got prominent support
by the Furtwängler & Hammer organ of the Imperial Cathedral ("Kaiserdom") at Königslutter, Germany as well as the Cavaillé-Coll organ of St. Madeleine, Paris.
"O Fortuna" from Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" uses this massive force of the Metz and Kaiserdom organs to literally throw a wall of sound towards the willing listener.
In contrary, the Cavaillé-Coll of St. Madeleine accepts the solo challenge with "The Creation of a Divinity" and, in a philosophic manner, tries to make fractions of eternity and omnipotence
comprehensible to the listener with the longest final chord ever played and a thundering tutti. A step into the same breach is done by the work of the Belgian composer Jean-Paul Verpeaux,
which was created in the context of the devastating fire of April 15th 2019 at the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.
As a compensation for the "teaching character", of course a few casual Jazz titles must not be missing, as well as some video game music improvisations...
03Trompettes Pour Notre-Dame De Paris (Metz Version)JPV3:55
04Fraser's Fanfare (By Ear)WMC3:50
06Toccata, Mélancholica, HeroicaWMC9:50
07Scherzo & CantilenaWMC3:02
08O Fortuna (Double Organs Mix)WMC5:15
09Humoresque "Pachelravelbel"WMC2:22
10House Of The Rising Sun (Freestyle Impro)WMC3:56
11House Of The Rising Sun (Jazzy Version)WMC3:45
12BotW Blights Battle ThemeWMC4:25
13Midna's Fi-nale / A Speedrunner's TaleWMC16:50
14Koholint SerenadeWMC8:20
15The Creation Of A DivinityWMC5:55
Suldner Orgelimprovisationen (10.07.2018)
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
None of my virtual instruments so far inspired me as much as the 1903 Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll organ from Notre Dame de Metz.
Improvisations and transcriptions kept flowing steadily, so numerous that another compilation could be filled almost in no time.
Vol. 3 focuses on contrasting moods, adventurous registrations and striking chord progressions.
Likewise, it combines proprietary improvisations with interpretations of pretty well-known themes, such as the Game of Thrones or Star Trek intros.
Just like always, the more well-known pieces again were played by ear completely, with some of them being partially improvised.
Pipe organs usually can be found in churches, but they're such a versatile instrument as well when it comes to orchestral music.
"Eurasia" takes this versatility to the top by crossing the border between cultures while keeping the spiritual aspect intact at the same time.
Many pieces in Asian music are based on a five-tone scale, which creates the typical sound which we associate with the characteristic "Asian sound".
That's what this compilation tries to simulate with several tracks, including the highlight of it:
"Three Asian Doodles" is an on-spot improvisation that is completely based on the scheme of five-tone music (with a few add-ons).
Also, some video game music from Japan (Final Fantasy) and some movie themes from the West (Star Trek 6 at high speed) should not be missing...
After two years of abstinence, time was ripe again for another session at the huge Magdeburg Cathedral main organ.
Unfortunately there was no time to practice any pieces beforehand, so the "private concert with passing public"
somehow turned into a more or less technical experiment:
This album is my first disc completely recorded and mastered using surround sound material, which is available both as a
CD with stereo sound and as a DVD with 5.1 surround sound! That way, a very realistic room impression can be imparted
to the listener — which is definitely recommended to any proud owner of a 5.1 HomeCinema sound system.
Since the audio was recorded live during the regular opening hours, on the one hand there was no chance to cancel any ambient noise.
On the other hand, this "noise" — inquisitive children included — of course adds up to the atmosphere in the building.
So the album is "live and unfiltrated" in a literal meaning (rather than just "unstrained"), including a bunch of flubbed notes...
With the DVD version of the CD album of the same name, the listener has the opportunity to enjoy the original room impression
of the Magdeburg Cathedral main organ with 5.1 surround sound.
On top, the DVD contains four extra "outtake" pieces that could not find their way onto the CD due to the limited storage space.
Nonetheless, these titles are also available as stereo versions, both for download from MEGA cloud storage and for playback in a YouTube playlist.
12Improvisation On "Grand Chœur" By Théodore SaloméWMC4:54
13Katarinasymfonie (Dom MD)WMC10:02
14Master Tallis' Testament / IntroductionWMC7:26
metz-o-mix, Vol. 2
The symphonic character of the 1903 Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll organ (Notre Dame de Metz) was always an inspiration
for further transcriptions of existing pieces as well as new improvisations — which have become so many
meanwhile that they made up a complete CD of its own and thus legitimated a sequel to the "Metz-o-Mix" series.
Vol. 2 takes the full tour from Classical to Modern, from whispering to powerful, from well-known to freely invented,
from secular to sacred, from serious to cheerful — a colorful mixture, just like the title suggests.
The more well-known pieces again were played by ear completely, with some of them being partially improvised. In doing so,
the Toccata on "A Might Fortress Is Our God" —
based on the lyrics and melody by Martin Luther — was created for the 500th anniversary of the
04Improvisation "Collingsienne" (For Peter Collings)WMC10:42
05Star Wars: Impro "Binary Sunset - Force Theme"WMC5:24
06Kleines CarillonWMC1:15
07Mario Odyssey: Cascade KingdomWMC4:33
08Grimoaldo Macchia: Trumpet Tune For AscensionWMC3:05
09Martin Mans: Katarinasymfonie voor OrgelWMC9:53
10Hanns Eisler: Auferstanden aus RuinenWMC5:10
11Hans Ernst Krøyer: Danske NationalsangWMC1:20
12Jehan Alain's "Litanies": EssentialsWMC3:53
13Marche de Metz (Tour de Force)WMC3:53
14Improvised Toccata On "A Mighty Fortress"WMC6:35
15A Solemn BugleWMC4:37
A blend of French romantic improvisations and symphonic video game music, reproduced on the 1903 Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll organ (Notre Dame de Metz) sample set.
As a recommendation, it should be emphasized that the improvised piece called "Blind Improvisation Experiment" was played completely blindfolded.
It's both an homage to a young organista who went completely blind meanwhile as well as a challenge to experience and control the organ as an instrument
with only the senses that would remain after loosing eyesight.
08Final Fantasy III/VI: Opening / Terra's ThemeWMC6:35
09Final Fantasy VII: World MapWMC3:33
10Final Fantasy VII: Ending ThemeWMC5:25
11Suite Gothique: Introduction / ChoralMAG2:35
Suldner Abendkonzert
During my 2017 summer vacation, I felt very honored to fulfill the request of Eberhard Reinstadler, carpenter and documentary filmmaker from Solda (South Tyrol, Italy), for a private little concert.
Running a local business, the "Holzecke Sulden" (= Carpenter's Corner), of course he knows a number of other people from Solda, who are very accommodating...
And thus, on a rainy evening in July, a small group of music lovers came together in a homelike atmosphere at the Old Parish Church in Solda,
for whom I had the honor to improvise some gentle serenades, fitting both the weather and the late hour, after hosting a short tour of the organ.
My sincere gratitude for their cooperation goes to the sacristan Mrs. Gapp and Rvd. Hurton, who made this event happen.
04Nobuo Uematsu: Final Fantasy Ending ThemeWMC4:44
05Improvisation: Nachtwanderung im ZirmwaldWMC5:50
06Ocarina of Time Main Theme & ImprovisationWMC5:20
07Improvisation: Der Mond ist aufgegangenWMC5:45
08The Rock: IntroductionWMC3:44
09Amazing GraceWMC3:45
1 day - 2 organists - 4 organs...
There was a lot to discover and to try out on this day for my buddy Max and me:
Declining the invitation of a befriended reverend to get in touch with multiple organs of different epochs and
"health states" in one go would have been insane, so we simply had to take that chance!
Most of the individual pieces are more or less an "experiment" to determine which organ is the best choice for which style — that's the reason why several tracks reappear multiple times.
All the tracks have been recorded on the following organs:
As a result, this CD popped out almost automatically as a "thank you" gift for Rvd. Gilg from Diesenbach/Regenstauf.
And, of course, a certain musical request (Track 24) should not be left unfulfilled...
26Koji Kondo, arr. CZ - Return of the Hylian KingWMC2:34
27J. S. Bach - Präludium, c-Moll (BWV 549, Mixturplenum)MAG2:25
28Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy Ending ThemeWMC5:45
29John Williams, arr. CZ - Superman Movie ThemesWMC3:42
30Dennis McCarthy, arr. CZ - Deep Space Nine Title ThemeWMC5:56
A compilation of the probably most dreamy tunes I've played so far.
Enjoy them as your bedtime music, while taking a foam bath or just when you're relaxing on your couch.
This "lullaby compilation" is dedicated to Johanna, the little daughter of my friend and former colleague Marko.
11Final Fantasy IX: At The Southgate BorderWMC2:25
12Improvisation: Macht Hoch Die TürWMC7:00
13Star Trek: Romance On "First Contact"WMC6:15
14Lord Of The Rings: Requiem For Minas TirithWMC15:00
15Sonata For Organ And ThunderstormWMC6:12
16Nearer, My God, To TheeWMC2:14
Melodies From Hyrule
"Melodies From Hyrule" takes the listener on a synthesized musical journey through the "Legend of Zelda" universe.
Many scenes and fragments are based on "Ocarina of Time", which still is one of the most significant parts of the franchise.
Though the individual tracks were already improvised in 2009, I didn't rediscover them before 2016, when I finally decided to produce a CD compilation for my friends and family.
In addition, MFH is my first CD with a booklet consisting of 12 pages to illustrate each title with an in-game scene.
The "Yellowstone National Park Organ Suite" is a completely improvised work and birthday present dedicated to my dear friend Richard from the U.S., who celebrated his 70th birthday in 2016.
After retiring from his job as a music teacher, he now uses his time to a explore the Yellowstone National Park and to guide other people in an adventure of their lifetime.
Also, he's still active in educating young students from all over the world via the "Skype in the classroom" project and introduces them to the wonders of nature that can be observed at Yellowstone.
With a bit of luck, Richard will decide to use some of the music from this album in his presentations.
For that reason, the "Yellowstone National Park Organ Suite" had been improvised in the style of a movie sound track.
On the inside, the cover contains a selection of his most beautiful photos, where each of them shows the characteristics and great diversity of Yellowstone.
A full-length CD compilation, played as a tribute to the film music composer Hans Zimmer.
Beside some pieces that are based on his "Interstellar" OST, it contains a number of tracks that are only loosely associated with it, but belong to the same topic (space and terrestrial nature).
Being amazed by his soundtrack, I decided to re-record some (more or less improvised) excerpts on the big Magdeburg Cathedral main organ.
Some pieces were played multiple times in different versions, outlining the experimental character of the compilation.
Excerpt from another impro/training session at the Magdeburg Cathedral, played on Feb 18, 2016. Since the air inside the cathedral was pretty cold and I had to struggle with quite a number of detuned pipe ranks, I decided for "Blue Pipes" as the CD title.
Made as a musical greeting for the more "contemplative" advent, Christmas and New Year's time. The tracks from 7 to 10 were recorded directly on Christmas Eve.
As the name suggests, "Stummfilmmusik zur Weihnachtsgeschichte" (Engl. "Narrating the Nativity Story") was created as a silent movie soundtrack while the nativity story was being read.
Being a part of the playlist, this video is available on my YouTube channel.
05God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Improvisation in G-Dur)WMC1:02
06Fanfare improvisée & Marche d'occasionWMC6:43
07Toccata "Süßer die Glocken nie klingen"WMC4:55
08Carol of the Bells / God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenWMC6:22
09Stummfilmmusik zur WeihnachtsgeschichteWMC27:00
10Weihnachtsfanfare / Christ ist geborenWMC3:24
11Fanfare der NeujahrsverkündungWMC3:17
12Highland CathedralWMC6:53
13Auld Lang SyneWMC6:15
Video Game Classics reORGANized
This CD originally was created as a birthday gift for my buddy Chris.
Besides being the (reiterated) proof that video game music by all means has a pipe organ potential, the tracks originating from the game "Illusion of Gaia" are the result of a technical experiment:
These have been extracted directly from the original game sound track on the SNES cartridge using various computer programs, refurbished for MIDI playback and then played back on my Hauptwerk virtual pipe organ at home with manual registration.
The compilation is enhanced by a number of VGM (= Video Game Music) "classics" played on my own, which have been restaged on the pipe organ.
11Final Fantasy VII: Ending Theme (2015 Live Version)WMC7:10
12Ocarina of Time: Main ThemeWMC5:04
13Ocarina of Time: Kokiri ForestWMC2:27
14Ocarina of Time: Hyrule MarketWMC0:56
15A Link to the Past: Kakariko VillageWMC2:21
16Ocarina of Time: Song Of StormsWMC2:29
17A Link to the Past: Dark World ThemeWMC7:55
18Ocarina of Time: Ganon's TowerWMC5:05
19The WindmillWMC6:04
Mayday! 2015
"Mayday!" — meant as a pun to associate travelling the sea with May 1st. And that's for a reason:
Until its end in the year 1990, the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) was isolated to a great extent from any western foreign countries.
The freedom to travel elsewhere, an implicitness of today, was just a dream for most citizens in those days.
Nevertheless, the Republic was celebrated on every May 1st, the day of action of the laboring classes, also known as "May Day".
It is the intention of this compilation to recall the memory of these events and the past situation, since it was recorded on the main organ
of the Magdeburg Cathedral exactly 25 years later, on May 1st 2015.
This compilation associates the topic of travel, indicated by the diversified use of pieces from abroad, with the history of the GDR, of which some specific national anthems should remind.
The red carnation, which is depicted on the cover in Link's hand, is most probably a symbol being stuck in the memory of many former GDR citizens.
Apropos travelling: Whoever is familiar with the video game title "The Legend of Zelda — The Wind Waker" will be excited to make the trip...
18Game Over & Bonus: Ganon's Tower & Chill-OutWMC8:00
The Organic Planets Suite
In the middle of the year 2015, Hauptwerk enthusiast and video game revolutionist Leo Christopherson ("Android Nim") arranged the first three movements
of the orchestral suite "The Planets" by Gustav Holst for pipe organ and additional instruments.
When he published these on the international pipe organ music forum "ContreBombarde ConcertHall" and the results were very appreciated,
I encouraged him to transcribe the remaining movements as well — while being completely unaware that it would mark his grand and final legacy before he died in spring 2016.
But his highly authentic-sounding transcription, which was brought to life on a virtual pipe organ specifically designed for that purpose, will live on at the forum and on this CD.
For him I designed the CD artwork, which is available for free in German and English language.
A dream lasting for years has finally come true: Absolutely authentic pipe organ feeling at home!
On October 18th 2014, the festive inauguration finally took place in the presence of some neighbours and friends from the local region.
Thus, everyone was invited to "pack a hard punch" on the keys: After an introduction to the function principle of the original instrument and the implementation of its virtual counterpart, all visitors were invited to try out the organ for themselves.
The aspiring organist and church musician Bastian Fuchs joined the party as well and, once again, I'd like to say "Thank you!" for his interest, his contribution and his beautiful evening improvisations.
This CD has been created in memory of this event and as a "consolation" for all those who could not be with us on that day.
This info page provides an overview of the background and details of the instrument.
01August Gottfried Ritter / Sonate Nr. 3, a-MollBFU20:40
02Joseph Reinberger / "Intermezzo" aus der Sonate Nr. 8, e-MollBFU5:02
03Improvisation á la BachBFU2:48
05Freie ImprovisationWMC5:07
06Un-Ungarischer TanzWMC4:34
07Improvisation zur NachtBFU5:29
08Row Your Boat ImproWMC1:19
09Freie ImprovisationFOS1:59
10The Wind Waker / Row Your Boat Impro RevisitedWMC7:44
11Elfenlied / Lilium (Impro)WMC1:34
12Schandmaul / Willst Du (Impro)WMC1:26
13Zelda / Dark World / Skyward SwordWMC10:20
Von wegen "Ruhe im Dom"!
There's a German phrase reading "Ruhe im Dom!" (literally: "Silence! in the cathedral"), which means that someone should shut up or end a discussion.
This recording, played as a birthday recital dedicated to my father, builds upon a contrary pun on that phrase, proving that it can get real loud in there.
On the occasion of his 65th birthday, I was lucky enough to get some playing time organized for a little "private concert", where I introduced my family
to the function principle and technical basics of pipe organs in general as well as the tonal wealth of the Magdeburg Cathedral main organ.
At the same time, while being unaware of it, this first visit of the cathedral organ should just be the prelude to recurring visits of this source of inspiration...
12Final Fantasy VII: Ending Theme (2015 Live Version)WMC7:10
13Hidden Bonus: Percy Whitlock FanfareN/A8:20
Suldner Orgelimprovisationen (10.07.2014)
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
07Jesus, Höchster Name / Er Ist Der FriedefürstWMC4:02
08Zünde An Dein FeuerWMC4:35
09Freue Dich, WeltWMC1:57
10Oasis In A Desert, Night And DayWMC10:49
11Toccata EroicaWMC3:06
12Return Of The Hylian KingWMC3:22
13Fantasie Über "Der Mond Ist Aufgegangen"WMC15:14
Weihnachtskonzert 2013
A festive musical greeting to my family, friends and acquaintances, recorded during the Christmas concert at home on Christmas Eve.
Besides some well-known Christmas carol "classics", a number of proprietary improvisations were part of the show.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.
Every year, summer vacation has a fixed destination:
The village of Solda, located in South Tyrol — a little paradise at the "end of the world", placed amidst the high alpine region of the Ortler range.
This place is reigned by calmness and serenity, nature and tradition — the perfect prerequisites to let the everyday stress behind,
to relax and to spend some time on the bright side of life.
The romantic pipe organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Peter & Paul supports the creative part of it with a beautifully voiced pipework,
which of course has a major impact on the characteristic improvisation style of all pieces that have been created there.
All tracks on this CD are live recordings of the improvisations being created in that place and are intended to capture a snapshot
of particular ideas rather than to satisfy any quality demands.